Friday, February 09, 2007

Which one am I?

This week's blog task is different to our usual blog of the week. We have been asked to find out what role we would play if we were in a team. We have to choose a role from the Belbin site, and say why we have chosen that particular role. "Which one suites me?" I thought to myself, as I scrolled down the list. I guess I could be several of them, depending on what the group needed.

I feel that I fit into the "Plant" role, as I am generally good at creating initial ideas. I feel that the drawback of my role is that I don't expand on my ideas, and generally stick to a single design. I also feel that another drawback is that I sometimes hold back my ideas, instead of letting them loose. This is something that I am having to work on, as I feel that there's a lot more inside my head than I let out. Saying all that sound's like I am not a "plant" at all, but I feel it is the role where I would be the most useful at if I was in a team.

I generally think that I would be quite good at "co-ordinator", as I feel that I can be quite bossy (not in a rude way), and I am generally good at setting people different tasks on how I feel they would do the best at. I have this experience at work where I have had to train new members of staff.

I feel that I would need an "Implementer" who could expand on any general ideas, as I am not good at expanding on ideas. I feel that this person would be the primary member of the group.

Another member I feel the group would need someone that is quite motivated and good at giving orders. A "chairman" would suite this place. They will be able to give everyone tasks to get on with, and will discipline people that don't obey.

I feel that getting a balance of roles is the best way to create effective teams, although I feel that their will be cases when even the most balanced teams may have trouble. I also don't think that there will be a balanced amount of roles in our group to have all balanced teams. There will be peers that play the same roles.

Personally, I would like the chance to work with some peers that I haven't worked with yet, although I do enjoy working with Rich, as I have done in the last two half-terms.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Marc, Just a little feedback on your site I had chance to have a good look today and I really like the buttons you created, is it quick loading? Just one thing I don't like about your site is the underlined and common colour of something that is hyperlinked like you have done on the homepage.

Its just something I hate on websites. When I first started desinging sites I did this quite regular as I didn't think you could change it, and felt it was normal for all websites.

A few others might point this out on Wednesday when we all test each others sites and i'm sure people won't like things i've done with my site.