The work that we have done so far in the first semester has been somewhat different to what I had expected, although I feel this in a good way. I had expected to rush straight into the work and to have created several websites within the first few weeks. This is totally different to how the course has been. I didn't expect to have learned so much or to have so many lectures and assignments on our hands... and we haven't even started to build a website yet! The work has been truly inspiring, and I feel that I have learned far more than what I had anticipated. At first I was nervous to meet the people in the class but I now feel confident to talk to everyone. I think my feedback groups have been successful, and I am looking forward to working with some more members of the group.
When I first found out that Macromedia Flash wasn't a big part in this course I was quite shocked and I felt like I didn't belong here, as I feel that this program is my strong point. I am now glad I came on the course, and the "Flash" doesn't bother me as much. I would prefer to learn new programs instead of learning ones I already know how to use. I am glad that I was able to do the Photoshop part early, as I thought that the image restoration assignment would come farther into the course than it actually did. I was surprised at how easy the program makes it to manipulate any image. I expected to fall behind at this part, as I had never used the program before. I was glad to find that I wasn't the only one.
In honesty I have had my ups and downs about the course, but with the help from John I can say that I feel that the rest of the course is a big up for me. I hope to continue with his lessons, as I find them very helpful. I am also glad that I get on with both Steve and John quite well. To be honest I feel like I have let Steve down, as he wanted everyone to pass this assignment first time. I know that I have not accomplished this, but I am not going to let it get me down.
I think that the scariest part of the course was the presentation, as I have had little practice with them. I also have some confidence issues, as I don't feel comfortable with everyone staring at me. I think that the fear of everyone staring at me is when I start to lose concentration and forget my words. I hope that the next presentation that I have I will be more prepared for. I want to impress Steve by finally getting something right for a change. I think I will need some help from John and my peers to help me get over the fears of presentations. I am also quite glad that I share this fear with a lot of the other peers.
The most enjoyable part of the course I feel was the image restoration part of the assignment, as I feel that it went particularly well. I also enjoyed this part of the assignment, as it was amusing trying to get the colours to match realistic colours.
The things I should change for next time include: Being more confident, getting involved more, sharing more of my ideas, making sure that there are no small errors on my assignments as it's these small errors that have referred me on all occasions, make sure work is checked, double checked, and even a third check wouldn't go amiss. I will definitely try to use these as targets for next term
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